As the saying goes: “if it weren’t for bad luck we’d have no
luck at all”. I have to say the last
month (give or take) has proven that saying somewhat true.
When I left the last installment of Getting Started there was a hint that a big announcement was
forthcoming; to quote again “we plan the gods laugh.” At that time we had what looked to be a
rock-solid contract (cash) on our house.
I envisioned my next post to be a picture of me with a sold sign in our
front yard. I had contacted our boat broker
and told him to start the hunt. We began
culling-down possessions and eating our way through the deep freezer. Then we got a call from our relator telling
us that the buyer in NJ was counting on inheritance from his recently departed
father which had not happened yet so he would have to go to the bank for part
of the sale price. Ok no problem, he and
his girlfriend (in Lubbock) still wanted the house and he could come up with
around 60% down and finance the rest using his condo in NJ; ok no problem. We
continued forward. We packed the house,
arranged for an estate sale company to sell that we weren’t taking with us
(which was most of it) down to the walls, and signed a lease on an apartment. Then, not 24hrs later my realtor called
telling me the NJ buyer didn’t get the loan because there were outstanding
claims on the fathers company and from what she could tell the collateral (his
condo) was in the company’s name. So, we
unpacked the house, broke the lease, canceled the estate sale, and put the boat
broker on hold. Again it felt as if we
had pitch-poled. So now we are back to
square one and trying to gain momentum in the real estate market. So I guess
this is part of Getting Started, even
though it feels like Getting Stalled.
Next time I will continue with the tale of how we got
started down this watery path but for now, if you know someone looking for a
great house in Lubbock Texas, give me a call!
Until then-
Fair Winds and Following Seas